Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Academic shoot

I believe i followed the rule well. My subject was this girl walking but, people in the background walked into the shot. I believe its still clear that the girl was my subject.
I don't think i followed the rule very well. My subject was the kids observing what was happening on the stage. The students changed their attitude when I took the photo so it didn't really come out good. I wouldn't have used the theater seats to look like lines and I would of changed my subjects.
 Avoiding mergers
I think I followed the rule well. My subject were the kids doing a trust exercise. As you can see i cut the girl off. I believe you can tell who my subjects are.
 Rule of Thirds
I believed I followed the rule well. My subjects are these guys doing a trust exercise. I believe its clear who my subjects are.
I believed I followed the rule well. My subject are these guys figuring out what to do with this door. I believe its clear who my subjects are.
I believe I followed the rule well.My subjects are these students taking the trash out.I believe its clear who my subjects are. I wish all four students were walking in a straight line because you cant really see the one in front.

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