Thursday, October 11, 2012

Africa Black an White

My reaction to the power point was that it was awesome.The way the animals interact with each other is caring, and peaceful.These pictures give you a new way to think of these wild animals. The way we think of these animals are dangerous but really there not.

 This picture is my favorite because the lioness is looking out at the plains wondering what else is out there. She could be dreaming or maybe wanting to go and find out herself.

I believe the rules used in this picture is the rule of thirds, and lines. The rule of thirds is applied by the photographer by putting the lioness in the bottom right corner. Also by the lioness looking into the distance it shows were the lioness is looking. Lines is applied by the sun in the distance creating diagonal lines.

What kind of camera did he use? 
-He uses a Pentax 67, with a short lens.

What is his reason for taking the photos? 
-Frustrated that he could not capture on film his feelings about and love for animals, he realized there was a way to achieve this through photography, in a way that he felt no-one had really done before.

 What is his hope by taking these types of photos?
-To record a visually poetic last testament to the wild animals and places there before they are gone at the hands of man.

"The difficulty is the number of places that I can get close to animals shrinks because the habitat is being destroyed.I can’t be close to animals when there are other people there because then I’m blocking their view, so it’s antisocial.  So, I’ll be sitting all day with lions, waiting to get their photograph and finally at the end of the day, the lions get up and at that moment tourists in a Land Rover come over the hill"-Nick Brandt 

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