Friday, October 5, 2012

Contest Winners

 I picked this photo because it reminds me of what me and my family do who one of your loved ones had passed on.I found this picture in the category Photojournalist of the Year (smaller markets). It got third place.I think the people in this photo weighed a lot to the judges because everyone eles is having a good time has she just wishes her brother was back.
I picked this picture because i think anybody who has special need is a strong person, and because she is a child makes her one of the strongest. I found this picture in the category Local Portrait and Personality. It got HM (Honorable Mention). I think this little girl weighs a lot to the judges because she is the photo.
I picked this picture because this guy is taking a dangerous chance, but the way he is positioned looks like he is having the time of his life. I found this picture in the category sports feature. It got the Hm (Honorable Mention). I think he weighed a lot to the judges because without him it would just be a regular photo, and he gives it a little something.

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