Monday, October 29, 2012

 When looking at this photo the airplane caught my eye. Also the beautiful city. The beautiful city below.There wasn't anything in particular that I liked I just like the photo in general. I see this plain flying over a city. I smell fresh air. I hear the loud roar the plane is making and the faint sound of the city. I taste nothing. I feel excited that I took an awesome photo.

When looking at this photo the slanted statue of liberty caught my eye. The beautiful grey sky caught my eye. Also the torch and the book caught my eye. I liked the position of the camera. I liked that the photo is black and white. I like the way the clouds looks. I see the statue. I see a beautiful ocean. I see all of the tourist. I smell salt water. I smell fresh air. I hear the waves smashing against the wall. I hear everybodys conversation. I also hear the horn of boats passing by. I taste nothing. I feel the side of the bottom of her gown. I feel my camera. I also feel the breeze.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Academic Shoot reflection

What challenges did you encounter while trying to get the photos following the rules I set out for you?
    -The real challenge was finding a subject in the correct position to follow the rules.

What technical aspects of photography or the assignment in general (focus, framing, holding the camera, etc.) did you find yourself thinking about the most? Provide a specific example of what you did to do this correctly.
    -All i could think about was if i was doing this right. I didn't have anybody with me to ask. Also I was worried that the photos were going to come out blurry.

If you could do the assignment again, what would you do differently now that you know some basic rules of photography?
    -I would go find better subjects and follow the rules better.
 What things would you do the same?
    -The angle and the backgrounds on almost all of them were good at least to me.

When you go out with your next set of prompts, which rule do you think will be the easiest to achieve?
   -The rule of thirds

Which rule do you think will be the hardest to capture?
    -Lines only because there's not much around the school

What rule are you still not totally clear on and what can you do to figure out what that rule is?
   -Simplicity. I should look up examples of it

Academic shoot

I believe i followed the rule well. My subject was this girl walking but, people in the background walked into the shot. I believe its still clear that the girl was my subject.
I don't think i followed the rule very well. My subject was the kids observing what was happening on the stage. The students changed their attitude when I took the photo so it didn't really come out good. I wouldn't have used the theater seats to look like lines and I would of changed my subjects.
 Avoiding mergers
I think I followed the rule well. My subject were the kids doing a trust exercise. As you can see i cut the girl off. I believe you can tell who my subjects are.
 Rule of Thirds
I believed I followed the rule well. My subjects are these guys doing a trust exercise. I believe its clear who my subjects are.
I believed I followed the rule well. My subject are these guys figuring out what to do with this door. I believe its clear who my subjects are.
I believe I followed the rule well.My subjects are these students taking the trash out.I believe its clear who my subjects are. I wish all four students were walking in a straight line because you cant really see the one in front.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

What theme that we could take here at school could we do a series of these panels to place around the school?
-We could to a surprise theme

Should we use phones only, or should we open it up to our regular cameras for those people that don't have camera phones?
-We should use the regular cameras because i dont have a phone to be taking pictures like these.
Where would you want to put the mural on campus?
 -Inside on the cafeteria.

Africa Black an White

My reaction to the power point was that it was awesome.The way the animals interact with each other is caring, and peaceful.These pictures give you a new way to think of these wild animals. The way we think of these animals are dangerous but really there not.

 This picture is my favorite because the lioness is looking out at the plains wondering what else is out there. She could be dreaming or maybe wanting to go and find out herself.

I believe the rules used in this picture is the rule of thirds, and lines. The rule of thirds is applied by the photographer by putting the lioness in the bottom right corner. Also by the lioness looking into the distance it shows were the lioness is looking. Lines is applied by the sun in the distance creating diagonal lines.

What kind of camera did he use? 
-He uses a Pentax 67, with a short lens.

What is his reason for taking the photos? 
-Frustrated that he could not capture on film his feelings about and love for animals, he realized there was a way to achieve this through photography, in a way that he felt no-one had really done before.

 What is his hope by taking these types of photos?
-To record a visually poetic last testament to the wild animals and places there before they are gone at the hands of man.

"The difficulty is the number of places that I can get close to animals shrinks because the habitat is being destroyed.I can’t be close to animals when there are other people there because then I’m blocking their view, so it’s antisocial.  So, I’ll be sitting all day with lions, waiting to get their photograph and finally at the end of the day, the lions get up and at that moment tourists in a Land Rover come over the hill"-Nick Brandt 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Where do you think you could take photos like the ones you look at today
I could take them in my school and around my neighborhood.

Whose classroom would you like to visit and take photos in?
I would like to go to Ms. Fayad , Ms. Brisinyo Ms. Yopp, and Ms. Roberson's classrooms.

What will you do, as the photographer, to get amazing photos like you look at today?
I would tell the students to keep doing what they are doing. Also i would keep my eye open for something interesting.

Academics & Community Service

Why did you pick this photo?
I picked this picture because I like how the paint is splashing back up. It looks like splatter paint in the air. The black tarp looking thing that is supposed to be holding the paint in is cool because, the paint made a cool design on it. Also the girl in the background looks like she is focused on what she is doing but she still made a mess.

What rules of photography are evident in the photo?
I believe simplicity and framing are used in this photo.

Filling The Frame

I think this frame is being filled because everybody is doing something to help out and work on this project. Everybody seems excited to be doing this.

Action or Emotion

There is so much emotion in this photo. The youth is helping for a good cause so, you know they feel proud of themselves. Also the homeless people are probably happy to see the youth taking action and helping out as much as they can.

The Story

The group of people hold hands around this pole looking down. They look like they are praying right before or after a big event that could be life changing.

Friday, October 5, 2012

background in painting.

Most photographers look for that moment, that bigger than life explosion of happening that hooks people in, but photographers also have to be on the lookout for these quiet moments as well.

We should take photos of things that have meaning to us.  

Window light is the best light for portraits. Studio lights or flash cant to get light as good as this.


I like how this photo looks 3D that's something I would do if i could.

Contest Winners

 I picked this photo because it reminds me of what me and my family do who one of your loved ones had passed on.I found this picture in the category Photojournalist of the Year (smaller markets). It got third place.I think the people in this photo weighed a lot to the judges because everyone eles is having a good time has she just wishes her brother was back.
I picked this picture because i think anybody who has special need is a strong person, and because she is a child makes her one of the strongest. I found this picture in the category Local Portrait and Personality. It got HM (Honorable Mention). I think this little girl weighs a lot to the judges because she is the photo.
I picked this picture because this guy is taking a dangerous chance, but the way he is positioned looks like he is having the time of his life. I found this picture in the category sports feature. It got the Hm (Honorable Mention). I think he weighed a lot to the judges because without him it would just be a regular photo, and he gives it a little something.

Unusual and interesting photos

What is your reaction to his work?
    I think its cool and it looks kind of 3d

How do you think he made these photos?
   I think he took the photo and turned them and put them together or h took one picture and tripped it and put them together. 
Think about some buildings you have seen, which ones would be good to take a photo like this? Tell me about those buildings, where are they, could you get easy access to them?
   The UT tower would look good in a picture like this expecially if it was lit up yes we have access to them its down town Austin. The capital would also look great for a picture like this it is also located in down town Austin.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

The main points in these photos are don't mess with what the photo actually looks like. Don't take someone/something out, add someone/something. It can make people mad and get you fired and your photos taken out.

I don't think its right to add someone/something or take them out you should leave the photo as it is. If you want to touch it up then that's one thing but don't really mess with the original picture.

 I think this is unethical because this isn't really Oprah. This is what society wants her to look like. It probably made Oprah feel bad about herself and i don't think Ann Margaret was happy about it either.
 I don't think this is that bad all the photographer did was move them closer together. It makes it look nicer and it's the real mountains its not duplicate.

National Geographic Warm-up

I choose this picture because it looks like a time machine. The people on the bus look normal, and outside looks slow motion, or like the bus is going so fast it looks like its going slow. Its just a different view point of what everyone sees and it looks cool.