Friday, February 1, 2013

Photoshop Notes

·      Nestle- tools are stacked on each other to access tools left click and hold
   Use command keys!  
 Command + = zoom out
  Command - = zoom in 
   Command o = open
 Command c = copy
Command v =paste 
****Command z = Step Back****

·      To turn an Image go to >image>Image Rotation
  CW = Clockwise
  CCW = Counter-Clockwise
180 = ½ Rotation
·      >Image>Adjustment>Levels
Channel Blue
Channel Green
Channel Red
Move just the Black and white Hershey’s Kiss
  Channel RGB
Move just the Brown Hershey’s kiss to make it lighter
·      SAVE AS
Always change the name of picture
Always save in JPEG format
After saving JPEG options will pop up, always change to the maximum file size

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