Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Magazine part 2

Early magazine covers-The magazine covers in this time look nothing like what you would find today. The cover was mainly used for the title and table of contents. They didn't have anything on the cover explaining what was inside of the magazine.

The poster cover-These magazines might as well have been a poster since it was so big. The cover didn't give away what was inside. Sometimes the pictures that were on the cover really didn't relate to what the magazine was about.

Pictures Married to Type-These magazine covers started to use more cover lines. People use these covers to help the reader be more interested in reading the magazine. The cover lines also inform you more about what the magazine was about, who took the pictures, and who helped make the cover/magazine.

In the Forest of Words-These magazines cover lines were just as important than cover art was. Sometimes more because the model would be covered up more with words.The words were printed across the bodies of the models. In time the number of cover lines on a cover have increased to tell the buyer on what the magazine will be about. The cover lines are sometimes bigger than the actual names of the magazine itself.

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