Tuesday, December 4, 2012

American Soldier

I think the most powerful image because she is still willing to marry Ian after waiting so long.

Set 1:Home-1-7
Set 2:Basic training-8-50
Set 3:Iraq-51-70
Set 4:Return home-71-83

I think the most powerful setting was when he returned home because he returned safe after doing something he wanted to do for a long time.

The images work together by going in order in which they happened.

The photos that are focused on just Ian it is in the past tense.

The captions enhance the photos by putting a story/setting of what is going on when the photo is taken.

1.Jessica Sanchez is droped to the floor crying as she found out her best friend died in a horrific car accident just 30 minutes prior.
2.Jessica Sanchez cry's as she finds out she didnt get into the college of her dreams this morning at her high school.
3.Jessica Sanchez cry's as she finds out her house was destroyed in a fire while was out of town.

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