Friday, December 14, 2012

 Jennifer, Ron Jonson, and longtime friend Alison Ramirez are walking in a Tennessee park October 5th. These lifelong friends are spending time before they go to Alison's birthday party.
Rule of thirds:Is when there is an imaginary lines in the photo (2x2) and your subject is at one of the intersecting lines.
Balancing Elements:Something is on each end of the photo to balance it out.
Leading Lines:Lines in a photo leading to the main subject.
Symmetry and Patterns (repetition):They make a photo pop out more, but its better to break the patten
Viewpoint:Is a different viewpoint other than just eye level.
Background:You should use a plain background and not a busy background because that can distract the viewer
Create depth:Is when there are subjects in the foreground, middle ground, and background
Framing:Is when you use shadows or objects to frame your subject.
Cropping:Is when you cut out the busy background and make sure its easy to see the main subject.
Mergers and avoiding them:Not cutting off any of the subjects,nothing coming out of the head

Lytro warm-up & Ethics in Fashion photography

 Lytro Warm up
What did you see happen when you clicked on the photo? 
   -There are different perspectives.

How does this new camera work? you can control the camera with its touch screen.  
  -You control the blur,refocus, zoom,

What do you think a photographer would have to know about to take this kind of photo (remember its a point-and-shoot, so its full manual mode, what do you need to know about)
  -You would need to know how to do the lighting, and how to balance everything.

Is it worth the money?
  -Yes because its not that expensive and if you know what your doing that its a good deal.

 1. List the changes that were made to the model's face in the computer. (Look carefully)
   -Her eyes and lips were adjusted,they made her neck longer, they made her face look skinnier.

2. Is it ethically acceptable to change a person's appearance like this in a photo? Why or why not?
  -Not at all they should always have real beauty. Like that's all fake and Photoshopped.

3. Are there circumstances in which it would be more ethically wrong to do this type of manipulation?
  -Yes because its not like your changing something small.Its changing the whole appearance of someone

4. What types of changes are OK, and what aren't?
  -OK:acne, scars, freckles,make-up stuff like that.
  -Not OK:making her neck smaller moving her eyes around and everything else was not OK.

5. Explain what you think the differences are between fashion photography and photojournalism.
   -In fashion they "fix people" in there photos and in photojournalism you take "real" pictures

6. What relationship does each type of photography have to reality, and how does this affect the ethical practice of each?
  -In fashion people believe that people really look like this and wonder why they aren't as pretty as them. When in reality they are fake. And in photojournalism its real pictures. It effects each other because people tend to think fashion is real. Then people think all beautiful picture's is fake.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Rules of Photography Part II

Rule of thirds

Balancing Elements

Leading Lines 

Symmetry and Patterns
Create depth
Mergers and avoiding them

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Best tips:

Use a tripod. Seriously. While it’s possible to get good photos while you’re hanging on to your camera at arms-length, it’s a lot easier if you’ve got the freedom to move around a bit.

A mirror or some other reflective surface offers an even easier way to take a self-portrait.You can use your camera as a prop, and hold it away from your face.

Photographing your shadow is another way to do a self-portrait. Shoot early or late, when the sun is low in the sky.

 I choose this photo because I really liked the background and the position he choose to do.

 I choose this picture because to me this picture says this little girl is alone but she is strong.

 I choose this picture because to me this picture says these eyes have seen a lot.

 I choose this picture because I really like his idea and how it came to look.

 I choose this photo because he is doing his thing and that is was this photo is suppost to be about.

I choose this photo because it is a everyday kind of photo and its a good one.

Who will you shoot? I have to talk to my friends but its most likely going to be Amanda Cantu
Where will you shoot and what will you do to make the shot successful? I would like to shoot at school just because its better and I don't know if we would be able to take it off campus.

American Soldier

I think the most powerful image because she is still willing to marry Ian after waiting so long.

Set 1:Home-1-7
Set 2:Basic training-8-50
Set 3:Iraq-51-70
Set 4:Return home-71-83

I think the most powerful setting was when he returned home because he returned safe after doing something he wanted to do for a long time.

The images work together by going in order in which they happened.

The photos that are focused on just Ian it is in the past tense.

The captions enhance the photos by putting a story/setting of what is going on when the photo is taken.

1.Jessica Sanchez is droped to the floor crying as she found out her best friend died in a horrific car accident just 30 minutes prior.
2.Jessica Sanchez cry's as she finds out she didnt get into the college of her dreams this morning at her high school.
3.Jessica Sanchez cry's as she finds out her house was destroyed in a fire while was out of town.