Thursday, May 30, 2013

Action shoot

Moving towards me
 Akins student Alexis Casha jumped in the air as she was running down the sidewalk in the court yard early Friday morning. As Alexis was making her landing she fell and hurt her right leg.
Moving Parallel
 Alexis Casha is running down the sidewalk once she spotted her friend. They gave each other the biggest hug ever since they haven't seen each other in awhile.
 Alexis Casha is running to the school cafeteria on Friday. She was the first to get in line and eat her food.
 Alexis Casha acting silly as she jumped off the bench in the Akins high school court yard Friday morning. She had so much joy after because she had a perfect landing.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

20 Questions (school uniforms)

School Uniforms

  1. How do you feel about getting school uniforms?
  2. What are your teachers saying about it?
  3. Why do you think they are enforcing school unitforms?
  4. If you could add or remove a dress code what would it be?
  5. How do you think it will effect the students?
  6. Are there any positive things you have to say?
  7. Are there any negitive things?
  8. Would you feel like you cant express yourself?
  9. When do you think they are going to start enforcing dress code
  10. Are you going to participate in this dress code or will you try to protest?
  11. How do the parents feel?
  12. Do you think we need a school uniform?
  13. How do you think the uniforms will look?
  14. Have you ever been to a school where they had uniforms?
  15. How long do you think they will enforce it?
  16. What are the students reactions? 
  17. How will the students get the uniforms?
  18. Are the students at least going to have a few days to wear regular clothes?
  19. Will girls still be able to wear pants or will they have to wear dresses and skirts?
  20. How would you feel if you came to school one day and everyone was wearing the same outfit as you?


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Interview Questions Student of the Month

Interview Questions

1.How do you feel about being student of the month?
     ~It feels really good. 

2.Did you do all the work yourself or did you have partners?
     ~ I had partners.

3.How do you manage your time?
     ~  I do it when I have a chance.

4.What would you say is you favorite subject
     ~ Algebra. 
5.Do you have a job?
     ~ No.

6.What do you do when you get home?
     ~I relax and then help my little brother with homework.  
7.Can you give us any tips?
     ~Pay attention and respect teachers.

8.What do you want to be when you get older?
     ~Not sure.

9.Do you think you have made your parents proud?

10.Who supports you/cheers you on?
     ~My family and friends.

11.Do your parents tell you do your work or do you do it without being told?
     ~Both sometimes they tell me, sometimes I do it
12.Are you in any spots or after school programs?
     ~I'm in Theater

13.If I could talk to your teachers what do you think they would say about you?
     ~They would say I'm kind.

14.Do you have a social life?
     ~Just Theater.

15.What do you do in your free time?
     ~play's with little sister. 

16.Do you go to tutoring?

17.What are your goals currently?
     ~Just to graduate.

18.How would you describe yourself?
     ~ Dependable.

19.Are you going to celebrate this award? If so how?
     ~Yes, I'm going out 

20.Would you like to be student of the month again?
    ~ Yes

Monday, April 29, 2013

News Paper Notes

Broadsheet-should have 3 or more stories in front
Tabloid-2 or less stories
News Magazine-no stories on the front (glossy cover)

Stories (byline,persons name/their title)
Caption (headline,two sentence caption,photo credit)
Credits to people
Title (flag)
High School Name
Sub headlines
Folio (school name,address,website,motto,volume/issue#)
Jump-where the story starts and ends on another page (directs you where to go,where it came from)
Screen-Box with color in it (less than 20%)
Table of contents-
Info graphic-information in graphic form (pie chart,graph,T-chart)
Mast Head-(organizations, staff box, editorial policy)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Lenses and Photography Vocabulary

I would use a telephoto lens to take a picture of an animal.

I would use a prime lens when cropping a photo.

I would use a wide-angle lens to take a picture of the landscape.

Depth of Field (shallow and wide)- 
  • Shallow depth of field is when you blur the background and keeping the main subject sharp. This helps because your eye will look at the subject and not the background
  • Wide depth of field 
Light (angle and intensity)-
Shadows Diffusion-
The use of Shadows in your photo to make your photo's have a more soften up the photo.
Exposure-This is how the camera adjusts the shutter speed and aperture to ensure the right amount of light reaches the film or CCD.
Aperture (f-stop)-A device that controls the amount of light admitted through an opening.The size of the aperture is measured in F-stop. This is good because if your in a darker room you can brighten up the photo by turning down the f-stop letting more light in.
Shutter speed-Is the unit of measurement which determines how long shutter remains open as the picture is taken. The slower the shutter speed, the longer the exposure time. The shutter speed and aperture together control the total amount of light reaching the sensor. This is good because
ISO-Measures the sensitivity of the image sensor.