Friday, April 19, 2013

Lenses and Photography Vocabulary

I would use a telephoto lens to take a picture of an animal.

I would use a prime lens when cropping a photo.

I would use a wide-angle lens to take a picture of the landscape.

Depth of Field (shallow and wide)- 
  • Shallow depth of field is when you blur the background and keeping the main subject sharp. This helps because your eye will look at the subject and not the background
  • Wide depth of field 
Light (angle and intensity)-
Shadows Diffusion-
The use of Shadows in your photo to make your photo's have a more soften up the photo.
Exposure-This is how the camera adjusts the shutter speed and aperture to ensure the right amount of light reaches the film or CCD.
Aperture (f-stop)-A device that controls the amount of light admitted through an opening.The size of the aperture is measured in F-stop. This is good because if your in a darker room you can brighten up the photo by turning down the f-stop letting more light in.
Shutter speed-Is the unit of measurement which determines how long shutter remains open as the picture is taken. The slower the shutter speed, the longer the exposure time. The shutter speed and aperture together control the total amount of light reaching the sensor. This is good because
ISO-Measures the sensitivity of the image sensor.

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