Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Interview Questions Student of the Month

Interview Questions

1.How do you feel about being student of the month?
     ~It feels really good. 

2.Did you do all the work yourself or did you have partners?
     ~ I had partners.

3.How do you manage your time?
     ~  I do it when I have a chance.

4.What would you say is you favorite subject
     ~ Algebra. 
5.Do you have a job?
     ~ No.

6.What do you do when you get home?
     ~I relax and then help my little brother with homework.  
7.Can you give us any tips?
     ~Pay attention and respect teachers.

8.What do you want to be when you get older?
     ~Not sure.

9.Do you think you have made your parents proud?

10.Who supports you/cheers you on?
     ~My family and friends.

11.Do your parents tell you do your work or do you do it without being told?
     ~Both sometimes they tell me, sometimes I do it
12.Are you in any spots or after school programs?
     ~I'm in Theater

13.If I could talk to your teachers what do you think they would say about you?
     ~They would say I'm kind.

14.Do you have a social life?
     ~Just Theater.

15.What do you do in your free time?
     ~play's with little sister. 

16.Do you go to tutoring?

17.What are your goals currently?
     ~Just to graduate.

18.How would you describe yourself?
     ~ Dependable.

19.Are you going to celebrate this award? If so how?
     ~Yes, I'm going out 

20.Would you like to be student of the month again?
    ~ Yes

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