Monday, April 29, 2013

News Paper Notes

Broadsheet-should have 3 or more stories in front
Tabloid-2 or less stories
News Magazine-no stories on the front (glossy cover)

Stories (byline,persons name/their title)
Caption (headline,two sentence caption,photo credit)
Credits to people
Title (flag)
High School Name
Sub headlines
Folio (school name,address,website,motto,volume/issue#)
Jump-where the story starts and ends on another page (directs you where to go,where it came from)
Screen-Box with color in it (less than 20%)
Table of contents-
Info graphic-information in graphic form (pie chart,graph,T-chart)
Mast Head-(organizations, staff box, editorial policy)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Lenses and Photography Vocabulary

I would use a telephoto lens to take a picture of an animal.

I would use a prime lens when cropping a photo.

I would use a wide-angle lens to take a picture of the landscape.

Depth of Field (shallow and wide)- 
  • Shallow depth of field is when you blur the background and keeping the main subject sharp. This helps because your eye will look at the subject and not the background
  • Wide depth of field 
Light (angle and intensity)-
Shadows Diffusion-
The use of Shadows in your photo to make your photo's have a more soften up the photo.
Exposure-This is how the camera adjusts the shutter speed and aperture to ensure the right amount of light reaches the film or CCD.
Aperture (f-stop)-A device that controls the amount of light admitted through an opening.The size of the aperture is measured in F-stop. This is good because if your in a darker room you can brighten up the photo by turning down the f-stop letting more light in.
Shutter speed-Is the unit of measurement which determines how long shutter remains open as the picture is taken. The slower the shutter speed, the longer the exposure time. The shutter speed and aperture together control the total amount of light reaching the sensor. This is good because
ISO-Measures the sensitivity of the image sensor.

Front Pages of the World

What is your favorite newspaper front page? Why? 

 El Paso Times
What is your favorite headline from that newspaper? Why are you interested in it? 

 A town in shock
This interests me because if i didn't already know what happened I would want to know what was so big that the whole town was affected by it.
How many stories are on the front page of your favorite? 

What do you notice that all newspaper front pages have in common?

 They all have a different but cool font for their name. They some have coupons towards the bottom. Some have the weather on top. The writing is in columns.  They all have a main big picture either on top or middle of the page.
What are things that vary (or are different) on the front pages of different newspapers?
Some newspapers have more than one big picture. The amount of stories in the articles on the page. Some headlines have headlines. the stories are different as well.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Blog post SLO practice

Who-Marley the champion hound dog.

Where-Animal shelter

When-sunday afternoon yesterday April 14

Why-he was found on the road and needs to be adopted

How-call the austin animal shelter at 484-2222 check their website

Marley Drools Again

Marley the champion dog was rescued Saturday, June 15 and held at the local animal shelter. The animal shelter is hoping to get as many dogs adopted as possible call them at 484-2222

rule of thirds
 human interest
lighting-the lighting is coming from behind the photograther and high lights the drool

this is clearly not a telephoto lens this was clearly a prime lens.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Anonymous bomb threat at UT under investigation
I choose this story because it is the latest news in Austin and its something everyone will be worried about.
Person killed by train in South Austin
I choose this story because its near my home in south Austin.
Art City Austin
I choose this story because down town Austin will be turned into a giant art gallery organized by other artsiest, ect.
Impact –
Austin man sentences to prison for Ponzi scheme
I choose this story because this is the consequence for somebody's actions.
Conflict – 
Man charged in death of girlfriend’s 5-month-old son
 I choose this story because this is something that is very sad that one man did to a baby.
6-year-old shooting victim remembered by family, neighbors
I choose this story because its sad that a six year old boy died, and how hard it must be for his family and friends. 
 How many colleges in U.S. allow students to carry concealed weapons?
I know this isn't that unusual but this is unusual to think that a college would allow such a thing.