Thursday, January 24, 2013

Choice Sheets

 Okay so i would like to go into yearbook. I have always wanted to go into yearbook ever since middle school, but i never had the chance to do so. I have friends that are in year book and they like it so why not give it a shot. I also heard about that trip y'all took to San Antonio and I really wanted to go.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Caption #1

who-President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle Obama
what-Hugging each other, embracing, tight hug, close to each other
where-Air port, Washington D.C. Kennedy international Airport, on the tarmac by the airport
when-Monday November 17th at 11 a.m
why-They had been separated for 3 weeks while Obama was on the campaign trail trying to get re-elected President of the United States
background-President Obama tripped and fell on his way into the terminal and hit his head hard enough that the medical team nearby had to come out to help him

sentence #1
 President Barack Obama embraces his wife Michelle at the Kennedy international Airport after returning home from his trip to Ohio where he was stumping for re-election on Tuesday afternoon.

sentence #2
The president while on his way to the terminal tripped and fell requiteing medical attention for a cut on his left cheek

Caption head
Tripping his way to presidency

Caption #2
who- Psy
what-preforming a song
where-at a concert in New York
when-January 28th
why-he is famous for his hit song Gangnam Style
background-the concert was shut down because people were getting to pumped

sentence #1
Psy sings at a concert in New York January 28th after his hit song Gangnam Style becomes well known

sentence #2
Sadly Psy's concert got shut down because his fans couldn't handle all of the excitement and was to pumped up

Caption head
Psy rocks at a concert in New York

Caption #3
who-Ruben Mill and Jennifer Flores
what-Mill is dressed as Caption America and is standing along side with Flores
where-at a office in New Mexico
when-December 20th
why-Mills lost a bet with flores
background- Mills lost a bet with flores and to get back at her he stood by her side the entire day the bet was about who could dink their smoothie first

Ruben Mill lost a bet with Jennifer Flores and had to dress up like Caption America for an entire day at a office in New Mexico December 20th.

 Sentence #2
Later that day Mills went to a children's hospital to spread joy to the children there.

Caption head-
Caption America spreads smiles

Depth of field (shallow and wide)-shallow=big opening. Wide=small opening.
Light (angle and intensity)-Intensity is how bright the light is.
Shadows-Is the absent of light.
Diffusion-Changing the intensity of the light.
Exposure-To light or to dark or perfect.
Aperture (f-stop)-Is about the lens and its how big/small the opening is. I have complete control of it
Shutter speed-How fast the glass opens and closes letting light in to the censer. I have complete control of it.
ISO-How sensitive the censor is to light. I have complete control of it. Like a "Grain of sand"

Telephoto-You can zoom in and get closer
Prime-doesn't move at all
Wide angle-

Monday, January 7, 2013

BEST OF 2012!!!

Best song of 2012: 
Justin Bieber-'Die in Your Arms'
l choose this song because when i first heard it i couldn't get enough of it. I didn't start out liking Justin Bieber. When my cousin lived with me all she basically listened to was Justin Bieber.  So this song was my fist song that I loved of his.
Best movie: 
Taken 2
 I choose this movie because it was an awesome movie just like i expected it to be. Just knowing Liam Neeson is in this movie makes it that much better. The first movie was amazing I just had to watch number two.

Most important news story:
  Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting

Most important person of 2012:

What was the biggest sports OR entertainment story OR sports/entertainment person of 2012 (you should google what is appropriate for your choice),

first blog back

 I like this photo because you can tell everyone is bored but this man is letting it be known that he is bored.

I like this picture because this is a awesome design to have. Like nobody else has that unless its a contact or something.

I like this picture because this is what the air looks like that e cant see. When i first looked at this picture i thought it was a jellyfish and they just put a gut up to it.