Wednesday, November 28, 2012


ISO 200
ISO 3200

What are the advantages of shoot at a higher ISO at a sporting event like basketball or a night football game?
   -the pictures come out better
set my ISO to a higher number to be able to freeze motion.

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set my ISO to a higher number to be able to freeze motion.

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What suggestions did the author make about using a low ISO?
    -Always try to stick to the lowest ISO. When there is a lot of light use the lowest ISO. Your camera needs time to capture the scene so anything moving will look like a ghost
you should always try to stick to the lowest ISO

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What suggestions did the author make about using a high ISO?
    -Set the ISO to a higher number to be able to freeze motion. Set it high when you want to take a fast picture.
set my ISO to a higher number to be able to freeze motion.

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